Consent: Marriage Vow and Ring Blessing Options

PLEASE NOTE:  Other Mass part options are found by returning to the Webpage and double clicking on the MARRIAGE CEREMONY tab on the top of the page.

Consent: Exchange of Vows Options (choose one)

H1- H5- H9 (All the same formula but the Letter/Number is different depending on booklet used)

The bridegroom says:

I, N., take you, N., to be my wife.
I promise to be true to you
in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health.
I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.

The bride says:

I, N., take you, N., to be my husband.
I promise to be true to you
in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health.
I will love you and honor you
all the days of my life.

Receiving their consent, the priest says:

You have declared your consent before the Church.
May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent
and fill you both with his blessings.
What God has joined, men must not divide.
R. Amen


H2 - H6 - H10 (All the same formula but the Letter/Number is different depending on booklet used)

The Bridegroom says:

I, N., take you, N.,  for my lawful wife,
to have and to hold, from this day forward,
for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
until death do us part.

The bride says:

I, N., take you, N.,  for my lawful husband,
to have and to hold, from this day forward,
for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
until death do us part.

Receiving their consent, the priest says:

You have declared your consent before the Church.
May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent
and fill you both with his blessings.
What God has joined, men must not divide.


H3 - H7 - H11 (All the same formula but the Letter/Number is different depending on booklet used)

First he asks the bridegroom:

N., do you take, N., to be your wife?
Do you promise to be true to her
in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health,
to love her and honor her
all the days of your life?

The bridegroom: I do

Then he asks the bride:

N., do you take, N., to be your husband?
Do you promise to be true to him
in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health,
to love him and honor him
all the days of your life?

The bride: I do

Receiving their consent, the priest says:

You have declared your consent before the Church.
May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent
and fill you both with his blessings.
What God has joined, men must not divide.
R. Amen.


H4 - H8 - H12 (All the same formula but the Letter/Number is different depending on booklet used)

First he asks the bridegroom:

N., do you take, N., for your lawful wife,
to have and to hold, from this day forward,
for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
until death do you part?

The bridegroom: I do

Then he asks the bride:

N., do you take, N., for your lawful husband,
to have and to hold, from this day forward,
for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
until death do you part?

The bride: I do

Receiving their consent, the priest says:

You have declared your consent before the Church.
May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent
and fill you both with his blessings.
What God has joined, men must not divide.
R.  Amen.


Blessing of Rings Options (choose one)


I1 - I2 - I3 (All the same formula but the Letter/Number is different depending on booklet used)


May the Lord bless + these rings
which you give to each other
as the sign of your love and fidelity.
R.  Amen.




Bless, O Lord, these rings,

Which we bless  + in Your Name,

So that those who wear them

May remain entirely faithful to each other,

Abide in peace and in your will,

And live always in mutual charity.

Through Christ our Lord.

R.  Amen.




Bless + and sanctify Your servants

In their love, O Lord,

And let these rings, a sign of their faithfulness,

Remind them of their love for one another.

Through Christ our Lord.

R.  Amen.