
St. Mary, St. Patrick, St. Philip Parishes July 21, 2024

PO Box 35, Seneca WI 54654

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Website: https://www.catholicchurchesofncc.com/


Mass Intentions This Week




7:00 PM

St. Patrick

+ Norman Johnson (David & Ann Boland)




7:30 AM

St. Patrick

Living & Deceased Members of My Parishes




9:00 AM

St. Mary

Special Intention (Peg & Ken Myers)




10:30 AM

St. Philip

+ Paul Waldhauser (Ken & Marge Gawenda)




8:30 AM

St. Patrick

Special Intention (Fr. Tom)




8:30 AM

St. Philip

Birthday Blessings for Benjamin Myers (Family)




8:30 AM

St. Patrick

+ Lawrence & Monica Bay (Family & Friends




8:30 AM

St. Mary

+ Marilyn Meyers (Don & Sue Peterson)




8:30 AM

St. Patrick

+ All Souls






17th Sunday in Ordinary Time




7:00 PM

St. Patrick

+ Tom & Phyllis Olson (Bev & Ron Becwar)




7:30 AM

St. Patrick

+ Muriel Kramer (Friends)




9:00 AM

St. Mary

Living & Deceased Members of My Parishes




10:30 AM

St. Philip

+ Tom & Carolyn Triggs (Rognholt Family)


Confessions: Usually, 30 minutes before every Mass and by appointment.

Monthly Eucharistic Adoration:

* St. Patrick: First Friday after the 8:30 AM Mass

* St. Philip: First Sunday after the 10:30 AM Mass with confessions for 30 minutes.

Pastor: Fr. Tom Huff -- frtomhuff@gmail.com St. Patrick's Rectory 608-734-3252

Bookkeeper: Angie Martin -- 608-734-3931 stpatricks.seneca.bookkeeper@gmail.com

Bulletin/Mass Intentions/Membership: Yvonne Hady -- 608 485-2109 hady@centurytel.net

Bulletin Information Deadline: Tuesdays at 4:00 PM. Bulletin is posted on our website.





Wed., July 24 Adult Faith Study at St. Mary’s, 7:00 PM


Income from Last Week

St. Mary


St. Patrick


St. Philip














Cath. Life


Votive Candles


Cath. Life


Bldg. Maint.




Cemetery Upkeep


Fuel Assist




Concrete Project

















From the Pastor’s Desk: Jesus alone is the only True Center


If we look at the political situation, traditional political certainties are falling apart. And as in politics so too in our society at large. Our society seems so divided with areas of common ground increasingly hard to find. The worst of motives are frequently attributed to those who disagree with us. People spend a lot of time on social media having their opinions reinforced and applauded by people who think similar to us while degrading those who do not.


Diversity, we are told, is to be celebrated; yet what we see is not diversity but division. Where is the center? What can hold diverse people together, rather than turning them against one another? The answer is given us in today’s letter of Sant Paul to the Ephesians: In Christ Jesus, you that used to be so far apart from us have been brought very close, by the blood of Christ. For He is the peace between us, and has made the two into one and broken down the barrier which used to keep them apart….


The next time you go to Mass look around to see the diversity of people. There are very few places in daily life where people congregate and socialize that actually reflect the diversity of our society. The Church has what much of modern diversity politics lacks, something which draws diverse people together. This happens because the Christian perspective properly sees each and every human being as a unique creation of God; sees each person as loved, willed, and necessary.


The philosophy of materialist evolutionism, which is so prevalent in our modern higher education, has no such basic regard for the dignity of the human person. Such a philosophy sees humans as inevitably in competition with one another, cooperating where it serves personal interest. They may long for a better world, but without God.


The danger is, that as Christians, we too can get trapped in a world of activism and counter-activism, which results in the Lord’s flock becoming divided. Our Lord today invites us all to come away with Him to be refreshed. And one of the best places to do this is at Mass. The place where diverse members of the faithful are able to gather together as brothers and sisters in Christ. There we are fed with God's Word and His Sacred Body together as one spiritual family.


The Church has much to offer the world in how diverse people can come together as brothers and sisters centered around the Person of Jesus. Because the truth is that Jesus alone is the only true center and without Him things become divided and fall apart.



Mass Stipends Notice: Dear Parishioners, the diocese has increased the Mass Stipend for a Mass from $10.00 to $20.00 beginning at this time. However, anyone unable to afford this increase may still send in a $10.00 Mass Stipend for a Mass to be offered. Thank you and God bless. Fr. Tom


St. Philip Announcements:

Sidewalk Project: The sidewalk project at St. Philip’s is currently underway. Mass is being held in the church proper, but with limited accessibility through the basement. Anyone needing assistance will be helped by parishioners. Alternative handicap accessibility in our sister parishes: St. Mary – side entrance on the left side of church, steps to basement restrooms; St. Patrick – lift in hallway between church and hall, restrooms in the church hall.

St. Philip Candles: Contact Bonnie Murphy. The cost is $5 per candle.


Sunday, Oct. 6th is our Annual Fall Fundraiser. Sign up for Raffle Prize Donations is in the back of the Church. Please sign up by Sunday, July 28. Questions: call Bonnie at 608-386-4954


St. Patrick Announcements:

St. Patrick’s Annual Fall Bazaar is scheduled for Sunday, September 8th, Smoked Pork Chop Dinner is served from 11- 2 pm that day with a pie auction, games and basket raffle.


If you would like to donate to the raffle tickets or basket raffle, please call or text Susie Garfoot at 608-317-0515.

Each family is asked to provide:
• Five $.25 items for Parcel Post game – Wrapped and Marked Boy or Girl
(please no chocolate items nor items for adults)
• Bingo Prize ($5 cash works as well)
• Two Pies or Large Dessert for the Dinner – Groups 1 & 3
• Cake for the Cake Walk – Group 2

Groups 1 & 3 are responsible for clean-up after the Bazaar.
Bachelors may donate $15 instead of providing items for the Dinner.



St. Mary Announcements:

Rosary – 30 minutes before weekend Mass -- St. Mary’s Church is open each day from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. You are welcome to stop in to pray and/or light a candle for your special intention.


First Sunday Potluck – Potluck brunch after Mass each first Sunday of the month. All are welcome, dish to share is not required.


Thank You to Eric and Carson Hady for St. Mary’s lawn care during the first few weeks of June.


Focus Missionary Support:

Benedict Gallagher will be working as a missionary to college students in Fargo ND. If you are interested in supporting his work, you can contact him for more information. 608-449-6057 or benedict.gallagher@focus.org





50th Anniversary Celebrations:

Each year we provide opportunities for couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary to come together to have Mass with the Bishop, followed by a dinner celebration. Invitations were mailed to couples with wedding dates listed in our records. If you have not received an invitation, please contact your parish office and/or email Laura Boden at lboden@diolc.org to let us know. We will be happy to be sure you are on the list and receive an invitation. The scheduled dates, times and locations are as follows:


August 11, 2024 at 1:00pm at the Holy Cross Diocesan Center in La Crosse

August 25, 2024 at 1:00pm at St. Olaf Catholic Church in Eau Claire




MARRIAGE MOMENTS: In these hot days of summer, how do you refresh each other? Sometimes it might be giving your honey a cool drink or time to nap. Sometimes it might be refraining from complaining. Or maybe it’s just being quiet together.


DIVINE MERCY: St. Faustina writes, “In the midst of trials I will try to see the loving hand of God…O Jesus, I will let no one surpass me in loving You!  O Jesus, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament…. I will follow you trustingly.  Your Merciful Heart can do all things!”  (Notebook I: p. 14-15)



Tri-Parish Prayer List We want to pray for the ill and others in our parishes who need ongoing prayer. To be placed on or to place someone on our prayer list, please call: Sue Peterson 608-735-4865, Bonnie Murphy 608-386-4954, or Ica Boylen 608-734-3287.


Betty Raha

Tyrone Beaty

Michael Monehen

Mick McCormick

David Jacobsen

Steve Trussoni

Janice Coggins

Eunice Brown

Mary (Moran) Orvis 

Marian Beall

Kitty Boarts

Jenna Friar

Maria Camacho

Bob Wharton

Jeri Gorman

Ethan Dull

Lisa Glass

Greg Roth

Lynn Kane

Kiara Meier

Royce Havlik

Shay Vought

Del Bolin

Tom Gillette

Rita Helgerson

Jeff Croke

Joyce Fisher

Loretto Berghoff

Marvin Hansen

Claudia Safley

Eve Trussoni

Peter Regnery

Larry Boehm

Todd Safley

John & Betty Lynch

Ben Huebsch

Joshua Ecklund

William Wright

Mike Gallagher

Jim O’Connor

Fran Leach

Jerry Boehm

Phyllis Bell

Donnie Moran

Greg Welsh

Alan Whitby

Jeanette Wallenhorst

Ron Becwar

Fr. Zacharie Beya

Shirley Whitby

Jerry Nelson

Sara Triggs

Otis Boarts

Rihanna Morga

Don Peterson

Paul Berghoff

Leonard Gebhardt

Rick Boehm

Monica Swiggum

Susan Monehen

Linda Cowan

Gene & Mary Murphy

Ron Becwar

Jess Zimple