
St. Mary, St. Patrick, St. Philip Parishes September 15, 2024

PO Box 35, Seneca WI 54654 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Website: https://www.catholicchurchesofncc.com/


Mass Intentions This Week




7:00 PM

St. Patrick

+ Don Schwendinger (Pat & Mike Dearth)




7:30 AM

St. Patrick

Living & Deceased Members of Alvin & Martha Scheckel Family




9:00 AM

St. Mary

Living & Deceased Members of My Parishes




10:30 AM

St. Philip

+John “Fritz” & +Isabelle “Izzy” Farrell Anniversary (Family)





St. Patrick

Birthday Blessings for Samantha Myers (Family)





St. Philip

No scheduled Mass




St. Patrick

No scheduled Mass




8:30 AM

St. Mary

+ Mike Drake (Don & Sue Peterson)




8:30 AM

St. Patrick

+ Lawrence & Monica Bay (Mary Rondeau)






25th Sunday in Ordinary Time




7:00 PM

St. Patrick

+ Muriel Kramer (Friends)




7:30 AM

St. Patrick

Living & Deceased Members of My Parishes




9:00 AM

St. Mary

+ Margaret Myers (Betty Schmieder)




10:30 AM

St. Philip

+ Fritz Murphy (Murphy Family)


Confessions: Usually, 30 minutes before every Mass and by appointment.


Monthly Eucharistic Adoration:

* St. Patrick: First Friday after the 8:30 AM Mass

* St. Philip: First Sunday after the 10:30 AM Mass with confessions for 30 minutes.


Pastor: Fr. Tom Huff -- frtomhuff@gmail.com St. Patrick's Rectory 608-734-3252

Bookkeeper: Angie Martin -- 608-734-3931 stpatricks.seneca.bookkeeper@gmail.com

Bulletin/Mass Intentions/Membership: Yvonne Hady -- 608 485-2109 hady@centurytel.net

Bulletin Information Deadline: Tuesdays at 4:00 PM. Bulletin is posted on our website.





Wed., Sept. 18 Adult Faith Study at St. Mary’s, 7:00 PM


Income from Last Week

St. Mary


St. Patrick


St. Philip














Fall Fund.


Votive Candles


Fuel Assist.






Raffle Ticket Sale



















From the Pastor’s Corner: The Transforming Power of Christian Discipleship


Today’s gospel should help us to think about the demands our discipleship of Jesus may at times place upon us.

As Christians who have been baptized into Jesus, we take our most fundamental identity from Him. Through this life-giving sacrament we are called upon to die to sin, to find strength in resisting evil temptations and to enter more completely into the risen life of Jesus.


Saint Peter begins confidently and correctly to acknowledge Jesus as the Holy One of God. However, he misunderstands what this will mean for Jesus. Peter cannot accept that Jesus will face suffering, death and resurrection in being faithful to His mission. Peter, and some of the other apostles at first thought that the followers of Jesus would be protected from any suffering or opposition. Even today, many Christians cannot accept that following Jesus may also involve suffering, hardship, opposition and at times even persecution and death. That is why Jesus immediately declares to those who want to be His followers that they need to be ready to experience such things, which will be a cross for them, in faithfully following Him.


It is by responding to God’s grace, especially given through the sacraments, that we are able to find the strength to die to sin, to resist evil temptations and to enter more completely into the new life of Jesus. The grace given at baptism and strengthened through confirmation and the other sacraments are meant to make it possible to be transformed into a new person.


This renunciation involves a constant turning away from a lesser to a better and more complete self. This often involves an unmaking and a remaking of our attachments and values. To take up our cross is an activity throughout our lives. This daily renunciation of self becomes definitive at death. However, in dying and in death we will not be separated from Jesus, we will in fact enter more fully into His life. This is why the Christian death is not a lonely leap in the dark. It is a leap of faith, hope and love.


The cross to be carried in life will not be the same for everyone. Our cross will involve making difficult choices in striving to be faithful to Jesus. These choices can affect our relationships, our jobs, our plans, and our desires.


The willingness to become holy can become difficult in a fallen world. Yet, our personal crosses in life is meant to help refashion us into the image and likeness of Jesus. Tradition tells us that our Lord fell three times while carrying His cross. Unlike Jesus, these falls may symbolize for us, the many times we fall by giving in to sin and temptations. Hopefully however, we will learn the lesson that Saint Peter learned, that discipleship is not dependent upon immediate perfection, but on perseverance.




St. Mary Announcements:

Rosary – 30 minutes before Mass -- St. Mary’s Church is open each day from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. You are welcome to stop in to pray and/or light a candle for your special intention.


First Sunday Potluck – Potluck brunch after Mass each first Sunday of the month. All are welcome, dish to share is not required.


St. Mary’s Religious Education for students will be on Wednesday evenings at 6:00, beginning Oct. 2. Please register students by Sept. 15 so we have enough books. Contact Yvonne Hady 485-2109.

Apple Fest Pancake Breakfast
– St. Mary’s Fundraiser will be Sat. & Sun., Sept. 28 & 29 at the Village Community Center. Serving is 7 to 11:30 AM each day. The worker sign-up sheet is in the back of church. Contact Yvonne Hady if you have any questions 485-2109.


St. Philip Announcements:

Sidewalk Project: The sidewalk and ramp are in, but no railings yet. Anyone needing assistance will be helped by parishioners.


St. Philip Candles: Contact Bonnie Murphy. The cost is $5 per candle.


Root Beer Floats and treats after Mass on Sunday, Sept. 15th. All come and enjoy.


Thank you to Carolyn Tiller for her beautiful cut flower arrangements every Sunday to make the Altar look beautiful.


Sunday, Oct. 6th is St. Philip’s Annual Fall Fundraiser.

An email went out this week to the addresses I have. This is your information letter about the bazaar. If you did not receive it or if you do not have email, I have copies to hand out to you on Sunday. I missed putting in the letter to bring two pies for the bazaar. Bonnie

We will be having the Basket Raffle again this year for our Bazaar. Last year we had a great assortment of Baskets. Make a basket and bring it to the church basement anytime. Margo Murphy and Judy Powell are heading this committee. There will be an information letter coming out soon about the bazaar and what to bring.


Please give your donation for the regular raffle to Amy Murphy. She will record it when deposited. Questions: call Bonnie at 608-386-4954



St. Patrick Announcements:

St. Patrick’s Directory: Contact Pat Dearth to sign-up for your pictures. 608 279-2417


A big thank you to everyone that helped make the Fall Bazaar a huge success. It was an amazing day!


Attend Rural Life Day | Sept. 18, from 10 am-2 pm | Schmidt Family Farm in Lone Rock: All are invited to Join hundreds of the faithful for the 43rd Annual Rural Life Day at the Schmidt Family Farm on Wednesday, Sept. 18 from 10 am-2 pm at 29281 Fairview Rd. in Lone Rock. Bishop Battersby will celebrate Mass at 10 am, after which he will present awards recognizing parishioners and farm families and bless animals, crops and machinery. Lunch will be served. Join us as we joyfully thank God for the food that sustains our lives, the land on which it is grown and the dedicated families who farm it. Learn more at diolc.org/rural-life


Marriage Moment: Sept. 16 is Independence Day in Mexico. Although US citizens celebrate July 4 as Independence Day, independence and dependence are concepts bigger than one’s country of origin. Healthy marriages involve both freedom and helping with your beloved’s needs. Which is easier for you? (Susan Vogt)


Tri-Parish Prayer List We want to pray for the ill and others in our parishes who need ongoing prayer. To be placed on or to place someone on our prayer list, please call: Sue Peterson 608-735-4865, Bonnie Murphy 608-386-4954, or Ica Boylen 608-734-3287.


Betty Raha

Tyrone Beaty

Michael Monehen

Leonard Gebhardt

David Jacobsen

Steve Trussoni

Janice Coggins

Eunice Brown

Mary (Moran) Orvis 

Marian Beall

Ron Becwar

Jenna Friar

Maria Camacho

Bob Wharton

Jeri Gorman

Ethan Dull

Lisa Glass

Greg Roth

Lynn Kane

Kiara Meier

Royce Havlik

Shay Vought

Del Bolin

Tom Gillette

Rita Helgerson

Jeff Croke

Joyce Fisher

Loretto Berghoff

Marvin Hansen

Claudia Safley

Eve Trussoni

Rob Donohue

Larry Boehm

Todd Safley

John & Betty Lynch

Ben Huebsch

Joshua Ecklund

William Wright

Jim Greene

Gene & Mary Murphy

Fran Leach

Jerry Boehm

Phyllis Bell

Donnie Moran

Jess Zimple

Alan Whitby

Jeanette Wallenhorst

Susan Monehen

Fr. Zacharie Beya

Shirley Whitby

Jerry Nelson

Sara Triggs

Linda Cowan

Rick Boehm

Don Peterson

Paul Berghoff

Rosanne Feye

Donna Olson




Upcoming Fall Events & Schedule Changes

Apple Festival, St. Mary Pancake Breakfast

Sat. & Sun., Sept. 28 & 29 --Regular weekend Mass schedule

plus 4:00 PM Saturday Mass at St. Mary


St. Philip Fall Fundraiser

Sun., Oct. 6 – No Mass Schedule Change


All Saints

Thur., Oct. 31 – 4:30 PM at St. Philip; 6:00 PM at St. Mary

Fri., Nov. 1 -- 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM at St. Patrick