Funeral Music Options


Music can often set a prayerful tone to the funeral liturgy expressing the foundational love and risen presence of the Lord Jesus Christ at your loved one’s funeral.

If you would like to speak with someone regarding the music for your funeral, please contact the Pastor for the name and telephone number of the musician at 608-734-3252.

Other liturgically appropriate music choices are also permitted.   

Please check with the musician and/or singer to see if they are familiar with the songs you are considering.

The SUGGESTED song listed below can be moved around as the family would like (For example, an Entrance Song could easily be changed to become an Offertory, Communion or Recessional song):

Entrance Procession
Alleluia! The Strife is Over
Faith of Our Fathers
Here I Am Lord – Schutte
I Know that My Redeemer Lives
Lord of All Hopefulness
O God, Our Help in Ages Past
We Are the Light of the World
Amazing Grace
Be Not Afraid

Responsorial Psalm (may be sung or recited)
Ps. 23 My shepherd is the Lord, nothing indeed shall I want
Ps. 27 The Lord is my light and my salvation
Ps. 51 Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned
Ps. 91 Be with me Lord when I am in trouble, be with me Lord, I pray.
Ps. 103 The Lord is kind and merciful

Ave Maria (Schubert)
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
Lord, When You Came to the Seashore
Now We Remain
Prayer of Saint Francis
Isaiah 49
On Eagle’s Wings
Only A Shadow
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman

I heard the Voice of Jesus

We Remember

Gift of Finest Wheat

One Bread, One Body
Where there is charity and love, God is there
Precious Lord, Take my Hand
Come to Me, All Who Are Weary
Eye Has Not Seen
Like A Shepherd
Taste And See

Where Charity and Love Prevail

Take our Bread

America the Beautiful
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
How Great Thou Art
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
We Walk By Faith
For You Are My God
Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above

Hail Mary, Gentle WOman

Only a Shadow

Song of Praise